I always say, “leave it all on the pavement.” I started running in college, when I gained the infamous “freshman fifteen.” But I have found, running has health benefits beyond the aerobic activity and physical health, it has mental, cognitive, and many other benefits.
I always feel more energetic and happier after a run, this is due to the releases of endorphins and serotonin, chemicals that may have been shown to improve mood.
Below is a list of long-term benefits of running:
Stress management
Boosts your mood
Improves sleep
Improves physical health
Prevent cognitive decline
Boost brainpower
Vitamin D if you run outdoors
Learn more about the benefits of running:
Oswald F, Campbell J, Williamson C, Richards J, Kelly P. A scoping review of the relationship between running and mental health. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(21):8059.
Markotić V, Pokrajčić V, Babić M, et al. The positive effects of running on mental health. Psychiatr Danub. 2020;32(Suppl 2):233-235.
Damrongthai C, Kuwamizu R, Suwabe K, et al. Benefit of human moderate running boosting mood and executive function coinciding with bilateral prefrontal activation. Sci Rep. 2021;11(1):22657.
Hicks SD, Jacob P, Perez O, Baffuto M, Gagnon Z, Middleton FA. The transcriptional signature of a runner's high. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2019;51(5):970-978.
I truly believe running has a positive impact on my life. Overall makes me feel good, it allows me to manages my stress, brings clarity, and gives me the opportunity to clear my mind before the chaos of the day begins.
When I’m traveling, I love to “run the city” to see as much as possible. Where are your favorite running spots?